Untitled (Direct-Expressionism)
I was intrigued by questions like how is sensation realized in painting and what is its logic? How can I make the invisible forces visible?
“Sensation comes from the body, the purest and most immediate reaction that arises from the moment of being struck by the forces of the world through the interaction of the body itself and the forces of the exterior.”
I use some tool to hit or whip myself and paint during physical pain, one hit and one paint and repeat as I believe that anger is the most dominant emotion in me that conquers all else, and so in a mood of anger caused by instant pain, before the system of knowledge and logic have been activated, the sensation explodes. And during that moment, I paint.
This behavior is also quite like BDSM, you hurt yourself or being hurt in order to get sexual pleasure, and you hurt yourself in order to make an artwork. So what is the difference between sexual pleasure and that sense of fulfilling and achievement after you finish your artworks, between make love and make art?
Oil on canvas